
Factors affecting the application areas of the gasket
Standard sheet dimensions:
1500×4000mm, 1500×2000mm, 1300×3900mm, 1270×1270mm, 2100×3000mm, 1500×3000mm.
Specification: 2712:1998
Compliance: ASTM: F104 F 112000 M9
Finish: Red, Black
(Other color on customer requirements). Technical Data The following information applies to material thickness 1.5mm. Test Method Specific Value Unit Max. Operating Temperature 350°C
Max. Operating pressure 35 bar
Density ASTM F 1315 1.7 -2.20 g/cm³ Compression ASTM F 36 A 6 – 14% Recovery ASTM F 36 A ≥ 40.0% Tensile strength ASTM F 152 ≥ 6.0 N/mm² Loss on ignition ASTM F 495 ≤ 28%
The suitability of a gasket material for an application depends on a large number of factors as shown in the digram above. Max. temperature and pressure values ​​cannot determine suitability for an application. It is always advisable to consider these factors when selecting a material for a particular application.
This area indicates that the gasket material is usually suitable for chemical compatibility.
This area indicates that the gasket material may be suitable but technical support is recommended.
This area indicates, Do not install the gasket without a technical evaluation.
Standard paper sizes: 1500x1500mm, 1500x2250mm, 1500x4500mm, 1500x1000mm, 1000X1000